La Barrière de la Lumière

I was recently blessed that a really good friend of mine developed an interest in photography.  To nurture this new hobby of his, we decided to go photograph the sunset at La Barrier Park together.  There had been a lot of rain over the previous few weeks, and we knew going into this that we would be fighting hoards of mosquitoes.  What we didn’t expect to find was a bridge fully engulfed by the river, not allowing us to drive to our destination.  We packed up our gear, took off our shoes, and waded through waste deep, flowing currents to get to the other side.  After a short hike into the park, and reapplying thick coats of DEET, we set up our tripods and watched the magic unfold before us.


Here are three of my favorite shots from the trip!


This first shot, was the exact reason I wanted to go to the park.  I knew with the rain, that the river would be high, and with that comes smooth transitions of solid land into the water, coupled with the chance that you may get to see a partially submerged tree.  I have always been drawn to these types of scenes.  And this is probably the closest I will get to visiting a dream location of mine,  Lake Wanaka in New Zealand.  Here a very famous tree literally grows straight out of the surface of the lake.

Flooded tree


With the serenity of the smooth waters and sunset, it was only fitting that a fishing boat with two young fishers slowly float into scene and provide a beautiful, serendipitous moment.





And to cap off the shoot, here is one final sunset at the beautiful Manitoba park!


La Barrier Sunset


Thanks for stopping to look at my pictures, and remember that all pictures are available for purchase!